Application Notes:
Anti-globosides are very useful in the identification of globosides and immunotargeting cells that express globosides. Globoside is the P-antigen of the P blood group. An inability to convert globotriaosylceramide to globotetrahexylceramide leads to the Pk blood group phenotype. In this phenotype anti-globoside antibodies are produced.3 There have been indications that the antibodies directed against the globoside antigen on suppressor T cells stimulate the suppressor T cells, and that anti-globoside antibodies in cancer sera may play a role in causing immunodeficiency in cancer patients.4
1. H. Yoshino, et al.,Journal of Neurochem., Vol 61, pp. 658, 1993
2. S. Kusunoki, et al., Neurology, Vol. 37, pp.1795, 1987
3. A. Hellberg, J. Poole, and M. Olsson, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 277, pp. 29455, 2002
4. R. Noguchi, M.D., N. Shinomiya, M.D., K. Nagai, Ph.D. and J. Yata, M.D., Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol. 13, pp.335-342, 1983