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  • 电联
  • 起订量:
  • 供货总量:
  • 发布时间:2019-07-22产品供应时间:长期有效




联系人:文 (女士)
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  • 品牌:进口
  • 所属分类:科研试剂 » 生化试剂 » 其它
  • 货号:ERM大豆基质标准品
  • 计量单位:
  • 最小起订量:0
  • 供货总量:0
  • 发货期限:自买家付款之日起3天内发货

Cat. Number
Chemical Name

上海惠诚生物提供ERM,BCR,IRMM大豆 大豆基质标准品,大豆籽粉 - GTS40-3-2 大豆;大豆粉;全脂大豆 - 膳食纤维;具体产品如下:
ERM-BC517 全脂大豆 - 膳食纤维(-20) 25g
Certified using five different methods of dietary fibre analysis Certified values
AOAC 1990 ................................................ 12.6 g/100 g
AOAC 1992 MES-TRIS ..............................12.4 g/100 g

Englyst (GC) .............................................. .11.9 g/100 g
Englyst (colorimetry) ................................. 12.3 g/100 g
Uppsala.......................................................  12.8 g/100 g
NIST-3234 大豆粉 50 g
NIST-3234 is intended primarily for validation of methods for determining proximates, vitamins, elements, and amino acids in soy flour and similar materials. This SRM can also be used for quality assurance when assigning values to in-house reference materials. The SRM is a defatted soy flour prepared by a commercial manufacturer. A unit of SRM 3234 consists of one bottle that contains approximately 50 g of material and is sealed inside an aluminized pouch.
Certified mass fraction values for selected elements
Ca ..................................................... 3191 ± 56 mg/kg
Mn ................................................ .36.78 ± 0.88 mg/kg
Cu ..................................................15.34 ± 0.26 mg/kg
P ..................................................... 8080 ± 210 mg/kg
Fe...................................................... .80.3 ± 2.7 mg/kg
K ................................................... 25010 ± 560 mg/kg
Mg .................................................... .3487 ± 60 mg/kg
Zn ..................................................... .48.9 ± 1.1 mg/kg
Certified concentrations for selected vitamins Thiamine
(Vitamin B1) ................... 8.60 ± 0.20 mg/kg
Riboflavin (Viatmin B2) ...............3.363 ± 0.041 mg/kg
Niacin.............................................. ..4.59 ± 0.17 mg/kg
Niacinamide.................................. .11.49 ± 0.13 mg/kg
Total Vitamin B3 as Niacinamide . 16.04 ± 0.24 mg/kg
Pantothenic Acid .......................... 11.45 ± 0.12 mg/kg
Choline ............................................. 2799 ± 18 mg/kg
Reference values for Mass Fraction Values (Dry-Mass Basis) for Sodium and Carnitine, Proximates, Fatty Acids, Total Dietary Fibre, Calories and Amino Acids.
Reference values for Mass Fraction Values (Dry-Mass Basis) for Sodium and Carnitine, Proximates, Fatty Acids, Total Dietary Fibre, Calories and Amino Acids.

ERM-BF410GK 大豆籽粉 - GTS40-3-2 大豆(10 %)
                                                                                Certified value g/kg     Uncertainty g/kg
GTS 40-3-2 Soya.......................................................100 ................................ 7
ERM-BF410DK 大豆籽粉 - GTS40-3-2 大豆(1%) 1g
                                                                                Certified value g/kg     Uncertainty g/kg
GTS 40-3-2 Soya...................................................... 10.0 ................................1.0

ERM-BF410BK 大豆籽粉 - GTS40-3-2 大豆(0.1%) 1g
                                                                                Certified value g/kg     Uncertainty g/kg
GTS 40-3-2 Soja ........................................................ 1.0................................ 0.5

ERM-BF410AK 大豆籽粉 - GTS40-3-2 大豆(0%)1g
                                                                               Certified value
GTS 40-3-2 Soya............................................. < 0.7 g/kg


咨询更多大豆基质标准品,大豆籽粉 - GTS40-3-2 大豆;大豆粉;全脂大豆 - 膳食纤维,ERM,BCR,IRMM 请致电惠诚生物 TEL 13917250134


The ERM®, BCR®, and IRMM® Reference Materials include various segments such as:
Environment– polycyclic aromatic compounds, nitropolycyclic and oxygenated aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls (for purity), soils sludge, sediments, biological material, water, waste
Occupational hygiene– filter media, charged tubes with Tenax or charcoal
Water and food microbiology– milk powder
Food and agriculture– dairy products, alcohol, GMO standards, meat, cereals, vegetables, oils, fat, fish, mussels, animal feed, seeds
Clinical chemistry – plasma, serum, body liquids, blood
Physical properties – heat transmission, particle size, surface area, properties of films and surfaces, linewidth measurements, color measurements, mechanical properties
 Industrial raw materials and products– ores, fuels, gas, oil, metals, semiconductors, plastics, glass, ceramics, fertilizers the method. In addition, CRMs need to be selected and used correctly for optimum instrumental performance to be achieved.


药物: TRC   LGC   USP  LKT    Focus

植提标准品: Extrasynthese  PhytoLab   Chromadex  CaroteNature

糖类: Elicityl  TDB   Ludger   Megazyme

脂类: Nu-Chek  Larodan   Avanti   Matreya

其他: TCI   ERM   Wako  Jackson  Cayman  laysan


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