Triallylamine CAS: 102-70-5 别名:三烯丙胺 分子式:C9H15N 结构式: 物理性质:透明无色至微黄色液体,有氨味,熔点:-70oC,沸点:155-156oC,闪点:39.4oC,相对密度(水=1):0.809g/cm3. 用途:应用于有机合成和树脂改性,还作为高吸收剂的交联剂,离子交换树脂的中间体,有报称,可作为生产聚脂的催化剂和丁二烯聚合的引发剂等。 质量指标: 指标 目标值 检测方法 色泽 50 DIN ISO 6271 含量 99% GC 水分 0.25% DIN ISO 51777 包装及储存:160kg/桶。保持远离热源、火花和火焰。保持远离火源。储存在密闭的容哭中。储存于阴凉、干燥、通风好的地方,半远离不相容的物质。
CAS: 102-70-5 alias: three allylamine molecular formula: C9H15N structure type: physical properties: colorless to yellowish liquid ammonia smell, melting point, boiling point:: -70oC, 155-156oC, 39.4oC, flash: relative density ( =1 water ): 0.809g/cm3. uses: used in organic synthesis and the resin modified, also as a high absorbent the crosslinking agent, ion exchange resin intermediates, have reported, as the production of polyester catalysts and butadiene polymerization initiator. Quality index: index detection method is less than 50 DIN ISO 6271 content 99% GC moisture 0.25% DIN ISO 51777 packing and storage: 160kg/ barrels. Keep away from heat, sparks and flames. Keep away from fire. Store in sealed container. Stored in a cool, dry, well ventilated place, half away from incompatible substances